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Christopher So Gibson, cello  


アメリカ・ミシガン州生まれ。4歳よりチェロを始める。高校在学中に Tanglewood, Indiana University, Interlochen の夏期プログラムに参加。横浜インターナショナルスクール卒業後、2005年に米イェール大学に進学、哲学・政治学を二重専攻。

在学中、チェリストAldo Parisot氏とのオーディションに合格し、Pierre Fournier氏の最若年の弟子であり、Janos Starkerの助手も長年勤めたイェール音楽院のOle Akahoshi氏にチェロを師事する。また、同音楽院のWendy Sharp氏に室内楽を師事する。2009年、同大学FOMコンクールにて入賞。2012年冬、国際演奏家協会新人オーディションにてバッハ無伴奏バイオリンパルティータ第2番の演奏で入賞した際、審査員の一人であるバイオリニスト川畠成道氏から「曲の世界に入り込むことの出来る演奏」という賛辞を受ける。

2017年にはNPO法人Emotion in Motion主催のもと、“BACH Solo” 無伴奏チェロリサイタルシリーズをみなとみらい小ホール、ティアラ江東、所沢ミューズ、サントリーホール「ブルーローズ」にて開催。ヴァイオリニスト川井郁子氏とテレビ東京「100年の音楽」番組収録やコンサート、BLUE NOTE TOKYO (2020), セルリアンタワー能楽堂(2019), 三越劇場 (2018)などで共演を重ねる。室内楽ではヴァイオリニスト村石達哉氏と長野を拠点として定期的に演奏会に出演。また横浜室内合奏団メンバーとして横浜開港記念館などの横浜公演に出演。詩人モーガン・ギブソン(1929-2017) の詩作と音楽を合わせた朗読と演奏も行なっている。東京、鎌倉、長野などを中心に活躍中。

Half American and half Japanese, Christopher was born in Traverse City, Michigan and started cello at age four. After moving to Japan, he studied cello with Shunsuke Fujimura at the NHK Orchestra. During high school, he participated in summer music camps at the Boston University Tanglewood Institute, Interlochen Arts Camp, and Indiana University Summer String Academy. 

Upon graduating Yokohama International School, he entered Yale University, majoring in Philosophy and Political Science. After passing an audition with cellist Aldo Parisot, he received instruction from Yale School of Music professor Ole Akahoshi, the youngest pupil to be accepted by Pierre Fournier, and a former assistant to Janos Starker. Christopher studied chamber music with violinist Wendy Sharp and was a winner at the Yale Friends of Music competition in 2009. 

In Winter 2012, he was a winner of the New Artist Competition at the International Artist Association (IAA) with comments from violinist Narimichi Kawabata, who remarked that Gibson's Bach "allows the listener to enter the world of the piece.” 

He performed from Bach's Suites for Solo Cello as well as the Sonatas and Partitas for Solo Violin as part of the “Bach SOLO” recital series (organized by the NPO Emotion in Motion) in 2017, with recitals held at Yokohama Minatomirai Hall, Tiara Koto Hall , Tokorozawa Muse, and Suntory Hall “Blue Rose”. He has performed frequently with violinist Ikuko Kawai in the TV Tokyo program “100-nen no Ongaku” and concerts at  venues including Mitsukoshi Gekijo and Cerulean Tower Noh Theatre. In Nagano, he periodically gives performances with violinist Tatsuya Muraishi and others. As a member of the Yokohama Chamber Orchestra, he performs at the Yokohama Kaiko Kinen-kan and other venues . He is also a member of the Kamakura Music Club, and is on the jury for its student music competition. He also performs cello while reading poems by his father and poet Morgan Gibson (1929-2017). He actively performs around Tokyo, Kamakura, Nagano and other areas. 

"A performance that allows the listener to enter the world of the piece." 

Narimichi Kawabata, violinist

"Bach that speaks from the soul."

Yoshimi Kanemitsu, vocalist

"There is a particular Wabi (quiet subtlety) in the sound timbre"

Hiramine Akio, pianist

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バイオリニスト 川畠成道


声楽家 金光良美


ピアニスト 平峯章生

© Christopher S. Gibson 2023